Tag Archives: Indonesia

Hukuman Mati di Indonesia

Sebuah Kekeliruan Mortal

Sistem hukum Indonesia pun masih mengakui keabsahan hukuman mati, dan juga masih melaksanakan eksekusi dengan regu tembak. Tulisan ini akan mencoba menunjukkan betapa keadaan status quo adalah suatu kekeliruan yang sangat berbahaya dan tidak ada lagi argumen signifikan untuk mempertahankannya, baik secara umum apalagi secara khusus dalam konteks sistem hukum Indonesia. Rasa keadilan bagi korban seharusnya cukup dipuaskan dengan proses hukum yang adil, pembuktian yang sah, dan hukuman setimpal (seumur hidup misalnya). Rasa dendam? Bukanlah tugas negara untuk memuaskan rasa dendam.
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A Research on CSR Regimes in East-Asia

Growing Towards Another Crisis?

The growth in Asia has been a phenomenon that can not be ignored. But with the growing body of research dedicated to the social implications of businesses as the main economic engine, it is crucial to assess Asian businesses in such perspective. Especially since the assertions made on Asian businesses are discomforting. The leading concept that entails the role of businesses to societal life is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Is it still the case that the current growth in Asia not a sustainable one? Could Asia face another (social) crisis because of the behavior of Corporate Asia?
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A Research Outline

Terrorism Coverage in the Indonesian Media

This research proposal was submitted and approved as the Bachelor thesis research International Business Administration -Erasmus University Rotterdam. Due to technical practicalities the original footnotes and appendices are omitted.
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